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* Tools for creating interactive command line tools.
* ```ts
* import { parseArgs } from "@std/cli/parse-args";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* // Same as running `deno run example.ts --foo --bar=baz ./quux.txt`
* const args = parseArgs(["--foo", "--bar=baz", "./quux.txt"]);
* assertEquals(args, { foo: true, bar: "baz", _: ["./quux.txt"] });
* ```
* @module
/** @internal */
type BooleanType = boolean | string | undefined
/** @internal */
type StringType = string | undefined
/** @internal */
type Collectable = string | undefined
/** @internal */
type Negatable = string | undefined
/** @internal */
type Aliases<TArgNames = string, TAliasNames extends string = string> = Partial<Record<Extract<TArgNames, string>, TAliasNames | ReadonlyArray<TAliasNames>>>
import type { Args as _typeAlias_Args } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* The value returned from {@linkcode parseArgs}.
type Args<TArgs extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, any>, TDoubleDash extends boolean | undefined = undefined> = _typeAlias_Args<TArgs, TDoubleDash>
export type { Args }
import type { ParseOptions as _interface_ParseOptions } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Options for {@linkcode parseArgs}.
interface ParseOptions<
TBooleans extends BooleanType = BooleanType,
TStrings extends StringType = StringType,
TCollectable extends Collectable = Collectable,
TNegatable extends Negatable = Negatable,
TDefault extends Record<string, unknown> | undefined = Record<string, unknown> | undefined,
TAliases extends Aliases | undefined = Aliases | undefined,
TDoubleDash extends boolean | undefined = boolean | undefined,
> extends _interface_ParseOptions<TBooleans, TStrings, TCollectable, TNegatable, TDefault, TAliases, TDoubleDash> {}
export type { ParseOptions }
import { parseArgs as _function_parseArgs } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Take a set of command line arguments, optionally with a set of options, and
* return an object representing the flags found in the passed arguments.
* By default, any arguments starting with `-` or `--` are considered boolean
* flags. If the argument name is followed by an equal sign (`=`) it is
* considered a key-value pair. Any arguments which could not be parsed are
* available in the `_` property of the returned object.
* By default, this module tries to determine the type of all arguments
* automatically and the return type of this function will have an index
* signature with `any` as value (`{ [x: string]: any }`).
* If the `string`, `boolean` or `collect` option is set, the return value of
* this function will be fully typed and the index signature of the return
* type will change to `{ [x: string]: unknown }`.
* Any arguments after `'--'` will not be parsed and will end up in `parsedArgs._`.
* Numeric-looking arguments will be returned as numbers unless `options.string`
* or `options.boolean` is set for that argument name.
* @param args An array of command line arguments.
* @param options Options for the parse function.
* @template TArgs Type of result.
* @template TDoubleDash Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TBooleans Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TStrings Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TCollectable Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TNegatable Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TDefaults Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TAliases Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TAliasArgNames Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @template TAliasNames Used by `TArgs` for the result.
* @return The parsed arguments.
* @example Usage
* ```ts
* import { parseArgs } from "@std/cli/parse-args";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* // For proper use, one should use `parseArgs(Deno.args)`
* assertEquals(parseArgs(["--foo", "--bar=baz", "./quux.txt"]), {
* foo: true,
* bar: "baz",
* _: ["./quux.txt"],
* });
* ```
const parseArgs = _function_parseArgs as typeof _function_parseArgs
export { parseArgs }
import type { PromptSecretOptions as _typeAlias_PromptSecretOptions } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Options for {@linkcode promptSecret}.
type PromptSecretOptions = _typeAlias_PromptSecretOptions
export type { PromptSecretOptions }
import { promptSecret as _function_promptSecret } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Shows the given message and waits for the user's input. Returns the user's input as string.
* This is similar to `prompt()` but it print user's input as `*` to prevent password from being shown.
* Use an empty `mask` if you don't want to show any character.
* @param message The prompt message to show to the user.
* @param options The options for the prompt.
* @return The string that was entered or `null` if stdin is not a TTY.
* @example Usage
* ```ts no-eval
* import { promptSecret } from "@std/cli/prompt-secret";
* const password = promptSecret("Please provide the password:");
* if (password !== "some-password") {
* throw new Error("Access denied");
* }
* ```
const promptSecret = _function_promptSecret as typeof _function_promptSecret
export { promptSecret }
import { unicodeWidth as _function_unicodeWidth } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Calculate the physical width of a string in a TTY-like environment. This is
* useful for cases such as calculating where a line-wrap will occur and
* underlining strings.
* The physical width is given by the number of columns required to display
* the string. The number of columns a given unicode character occupies can
* vary depending on the character itself.
* @param str The string to measure.
* @return The unicode width of the string.
* @example Calculating the unicode width of a string
* ```ts
* import { unicodeWidth } from "@std/cli/unicode-width";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* assertEquals(unicodeWidth("hello world"), 11);
* assertEquals(unicodeWidth("天地玄黃宇宙洪荒"), 16);
* assertEquals(unicodeWidth("fullwidth"), 18);
* ```
* @example Calculating the unicode width of a color-encoded string
* ```ts
* import { unicodeWidth } from "@std/cli/unicode-width";
* import { stripAnsiCode } from "@std/fmt/colors";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* assertEquals(unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1b[36mголубой\x1b[39m")), 7);
* assertEquals(unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1b[31m紅色\x1b[39m")), 4);
* assertEquals(unicodeWidth(stripAnsiCode("\x1B]8;;https://deno.land\x07🦕\x1B]8;;\x07")), 2);
* ```
* Use
* {@linkcode https://jsr.io/@std/fmt/doc/colors/~/stripAnsiCode | stripAnsiCode}
* to remove ANSI escape codes from a string before passing it to
* {@linkcode unicodeWidth}.
const unicodeWidth = _function_unicodeWidth as typeof _function_unicodeWidth
export { unicodeWidth }