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* In-memory cache utilities, such as memoization and caches with different
* expiration policies.
* ```ts
* import { memoize, LruCache } from "@std/cache";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* const cache = new LruCache<unknown, bigint>(1000);
* // fibonacci function, which is very slow for n > ~30 if not memoized
* const fib = memoize((n: bigint): bigint => {
* return n <= 2n ? 1n : fib(n - 1n) + fib(n - 2n);
* }, { cache });
* assertEquals(fib(100n), 354224848179261915075n);
* ```
* @module
import type { MemoizationCache as _typeAlias_MemoizationCache } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* A cache suitable for use with {@linkcode memoize}.
* @experimental
type MemoizationCache<K, V> = _typeAlias_MemoizationCache<K, V>
export type { MemoizationCache }
import { LruCache as _class_LruCache } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Least-recently-used cache.
* @experimental
* @see {@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cache_replacement_policies#LRU | Least-recently-used cache}
* Automatically removes entries above the max size based on when they were
* last accessed with `get`, `set`, or `has`.
* @template K The type of the cache keys.
* @template V The type of the cache values.
* @example Basic usage
* ```ts
* import { LruCache } from "@std/cache";
* import { assert, assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* const MAX_SIZE = 3;
* const cache = new LruCache<string, number>(MAX_SIZE);
* cache.set("a", 1);
* cache.set("b", 2);
* cache.set("c", 3);
* cache.set("d", 4);
* // most recent values are stored up to `MAX_SIZE`
* assertEquals(cache.get("b"), 2);
* assertEquals(cache.get("c"), 3);
* assertEquals(cache.get("d"), 4);
* // less recent values are removed
* assert(!cache.has("a"));
* ```
class LruCache<K, V> extends _class_LruCache<K, V> {}
export { LruCache }
import type { MemoizeOptions as _typeAlias_MemoizeOptions } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Options for {@linkcode memoize}.
* @experimental
* @template Fn The type of the function to memoize.
* @template Key The type of the cache key.
* @template Cache The type of the cache.
type MemoizeOptions<Fn extends (...args: never[]) => unknown, Key, Cache extends MemoizationCache<Key, ReturnType<Fn>>> = _typeAlias_MemoizeOptions<Fn, Key, Cache>
export type { MemoizeOptions }
import { memoize as _function_memoize } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Cache the results of a function based on its arguments.
* @experimental
* @template Fn The type of the function to memoize.
* @template Key The type of the cache key.
* @template Cache The type of the cache.
* @param fn The function to memoize
* @param options Options for memoization
* @return The memoized function.
* @example Basic usage
* ```ts
* import { memoize } from "@std/cache";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert";
* // fibonacci function, which is very slow for n > ~30 if not memoized
* const fib = memoize((n: bigint): bigint => {
* return n <= 2n ? 1n : fib(n - 1n) + fib(n - 2n);
* });
* assertEquals(fib(100n), 354224848179261915075n);
* ```
* > [!NOTE]
* > * By default, memoization is on the basis of all arguments passed to the
* > function, with equality determined by reference. This means that, for
* > example, passing a memoized function as `arr.map(func)` will not use the
* > cached results, as the index is implicitly passed as an argument. To
* > avoid this, you can pass a custom `getKey` option or use the memoized
* > function inside an anonymous callback like `arr.map((x) => func(x))`.
* > * Memoization will not cache thrown errors and will eject promises from
* > the cache upon rejection. If you want to retain errors or rejected
* > promises in the cache, you will need to catch and return them.
const memoize = _function_memoize as typeof _function_memoize
export { memoize }
import { TtlCache as _class_TtlCache } from "jsr:@std/[email protected]"
* Time-to-live cache.
* @experimental
* @template K The type of the cache keys.
* @template V The type of the cache values.
* @example Usage
* ```ts
* import { TtlCache } from "@std/cache/ttl-cache";
* import { assertEquals } from "@std/assert/equals";
* import { delay } from "@std/async/delay";
* const cache = new TtlCache<string, number>(1000);
* cache.set("a", 1);
* assertEquals(cache.size, 1);
* await delay(2000);
* assertEquals(cache.size, 0);
* ```
class TtlCache<K, V> extends _class_TtlCache<K, V> {}
export { TtlCache }